Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October Winners

Thank you to everyone who came out to play in our October Challenge with the optional theme HAPPY HORRORS!


to our 4 winners this month since we had more then the required 15 minimum entries to draw the TOP 3 prizes.  YAY!

Make sure to grab our badge in the right sidebar since you have earned your bragging rights. đŸ˜‰

Our GRAND PRIZE winner of a $10 Gift Card this month chosen by random is the lovely lollipop card created by Kitty

and now our TOP 3 winners for October chosen by my BF Adam are..

First Place winner of a $10 Gift Card is Donna Mundinger

Second Place winner of a $7 Gift Card is Tink Time

Third Place winner of a $4 Gift Card is DoreenS

Please contact Lizzy Love by November 30th to claim your prizes.

We will be back tomorrow with more opportunities to win in our November Challenge!



  1. Congratulations to all the wonderful winners and a BIG thank you to everyone who participated! Awesome awesome entries this month!

    1. Yes there were so many great ones and so hard to choose that is why I passed it over to Adam hahahaha ;)

  2. FaBOOlous projects by all. Thank you so much for choosing my card as Top of the 3, Adam! Congrats to all of the winners. Amazing work. xxD

  3. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  4. Congrats to the winners! Such talent!

  5. HHHmmm... Thought I'd commented on this first thing this morning. Did I not hit publish? (It was early!) THRILLED to be a Top 3 winner! Thanks so much, Adam (and Lizzy, of course for having such a wonderful BF. ;D) Congrats to all. Amazing turnout and fab inspiration. xxD

    1. Thank you for your lovely entry and congratulations on your win! So happy to have you participating <3
